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Does Cloud Insight scan externally in addition to internal scanning? Answered0 votes 1 comment
How does the Threat Manager agent act if the host it is installed on has maxed out cpu and memory? Answered0 votes 1 comment
Can Alert Logic provide a BAA (Business Associate Agreement) for HIPAA compliance? Answered1 vote 1 comment
What happens if there are no /28 subnets available in my VPC that I wish to deploy Cloud Insight into? Answered0 votes 1 comment
Is there a limit to how many agents can send log data to / through a Log Manager appliance? Answered0 votes 1 comment
For each customer, how long does Alert Logic keep Threat Manager event and incident data? Answered0 votes 1 comment
How do I input host credentials in Cloud Insight? Answered0 votes 1 comment
What do you use Credentials for in Cloud Insight/Cloud Defender? Answered0 votes 1 comment
Can Cloud Insight appliances be deployed per region instead of per VPC? Answered0 votes 1 comment
How do I export a Windows SSL/TLS certificate if PKCS12 isn't available when importing to WSM? Answered0 votes 1 comment
How big are the IDS signature updates that are sent to Threat Manager appliances? Answered0 votes 1 comment
What is the polling frequency for flat-file collection, and how exactly does it work? Answered0 votes 1 comment
What is the compression rate that logs are sent? Answered0 votes 1 comment
Do whitelisting policies in the UI get applied to appliances and customer agents? Answered0 votes 1 comment
Can Log Manager collect AWS RDS Logs? Answered0 votes 1 comment
Does Cloud Defender offer FIM (File Integrity Monitoring)? Answered0 votes 1 comment
How does Web Security Manager Premier blocking work? Answered0 votes 1 comment
For WSM-P customers in AWS, what is the best way to handle Geo-IP management? Answered0 votes 1 comment
In Cloud Insight, can a user/admin see remediation tasks that other users have assigned to themselves? Answered0 votes 1 comment
What Incident reports are available for ActiveWatch for Log Manager? Answered0 votes 1 comment
What ports are scanned with Cloud Insight? Answered0 votes 1 comment
How does Cloud Insight decide what /28 subnet to occupy? Answered0 votes 1 comment
What is Active Watch for Log Manager? Answered0 votes 1 comment
Can a customer add a custom report to the Log Review Service? Answered0 votes 1 comment
Can Log Review address PCI 10.6 daily log review? Answered0 votes 1 comment
Can Log Manager maintain verifiable unmodified event records? Answered0 votes 1 comment
What interactive reporting is available for the Log Manager solution, and is it secure? Answered0 votes 1 comment
What reporting capabilities are available for the Log Manager solution? Answered0 votes 1 comment
Is graphical reporting a feature for Log Manager, and if so, how is it accessed? Answered0 votes 1 comment