This article describes how to uninstall the Alert Logic® agent for Linux and Windows.
Uninstalling the Linux Agent
RPM Package Removal
- Locate the agent RPM package. Use the following command:
rpm -qa | grep agent - Uninstall the agent RPM package. Use the following command:
rpm -ev <packageNameFromStep1> - Delete the Alert Logic directory. Use the following command:
rm -rf /var/alertlogic - If you wish to reinstall the agent via RPM, use the following commands:
rpm -ivh al-agent_LATEST_<version>.rpm
/etc/init.d/al-agent provision --key <UNIQUEREGISTRATIONKEY>/etc/init.d/al-agent start
Debian Package Removal
- Locate the agent Debian package. Use the following command:
dpkg -l | grep agent - Uninstall the agent Debian package. Use the following command:
dpkg -r <PackageNamefromStep1> - Delete the Alert Logic directory. Use the following command:
rm -rf /var/alertlogic - If you wish to reinstall the agent via Debian, use the following commands:
dpkg -ivh al-agent_LATEST_<version>.deb
/etc/init.d/al-agent provision --key <UNIQUEREGISTRATIONKEY>/etc/init.d/al-agent start
Uninstalling the Windows Agent
- Open the services menu by opening the “Run” dialog through the start menu and typing “services.msc”.
- Stop the "AL Agent" service by right-clicking on the name and selecting "Stop."
- Open Windows Explorer through the start menu and delete the below directory (including its contents).
%ProgramFiles%\CommonFiles\Alertlogic - Uninstall the agent via Control Panel > Programs and Features.
- Verify registry entry is deleted by opening an administrative command prompt and running the following line:
reg delete %SOFTWARE%\AlertLogic\agent\host_uuid - If you wish to reinstall the agent, verify you have the latest version by downloading it from:
To reinstall, double-click the .msi file and follow the installation instructions.
Unzip the agent, extract the .msi file, double-click the .msi file to execute, and follow the installation instructions.
Via Command Line
- Stop the agent.
sc stop al_agent - Remove the .pem files.
del %ProgramFiles%\CommonFiles\Alertlogic\host_crt.pem
del %ProgramFiles%\CommonFiles\Alertlogic\host_key.pem - Delete the registry entry.
reg delete %SOFTWARE%\AlertLogic\agent\host_uuid - Uninstall the agent.
wmic /node:%COMPUTERNAME% product where name="AL Agent" call uninstall /nointeractive
Note: These actions need to be taken from an administrative command prompt.
1 comment
No instructions for MacOS. Big surprise.
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